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Chrissy’s Review: Flyte by Angie Sage

Flyte (Septimus Heap #2)
written by Angie Sage
published by HarperCollins, 2007

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple Books, Target, Walmart, KoboBook Depository, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book? I read this book because it is Book 2 in the Septimus Heap Series. When I read a series, I usually read the entire series, unless it is absolutely horrible. So far, this series isn’t horrible.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes. I enjoyed it more than the first book, Magyk. (See my review of Magyk here.) I was more used to the “misspellings” and the capitalization . . . it still got a bit annoying, but as I said, I was used to it this time around.

The story moved faster, and the characters were just as enjoyable if not more so. I really liked the scenes with the Dragon Boat. They were written in such a way that I felt like I was there watching the adventure unfold just like Aunt Zelda. I was also excited to meet the new characters: Beetle, Wolf Boy, and Milo Banda. They are all welcomed additions to this cast of characters.

One of my favorite parts was when Sarah Heap told the ExtraOrdinary Wizard how it was going to be when she requested a visit from her son, Septimus. That scene just made me giggle . . . you don’t mess with the Mom. We see this same frank attitude from Sarah at the end of the book as well. Sarah is not a prominent character in this or the last book but I enjoy her.



Would I recommend it? If you liked the first book, Magyk, then, yes, you should read this one.

Will I read it again? I don’t think that I will read this series again for the sake of reading it. This may change when I read the remainder of the series. I will probably read it again when my kids are old enough to read it so I can discuss it with them as they read it.




About the book – from Goodreads: It’s been a year since Septimus Heap discovered his real family and true calling to be a wizard. As Apprentice to Extra Ordinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand, he is learning the fine arts of Conjurations, Charms, and other Magyk, while Jenna is adapting to life as the Princess and enjoying the freedom of the Castle.

But there is something sinister at work. Marcia is constantly trailed by a menacing Darke Shadow, and Septimus’s brother Simon seems bent on a revenge no one understands. Why is the Darke Magyk still lingering?

Bringing fantasy to new heights, Angie Sage continues the journey of Septimus Heap with her trademark humor and all of the clever details readers have come to love.

We are also treated to another adventure of the Dragon Boat driven by the Dragon Master, Septimus, along with his brother Nicko and Jenna, the Princess to whom the Dragon Boat owes its loyalty. And we are introduced to the Lost Art of Flyte.


Happy 2



* This post contains affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on October 20, 2011. Book cover, graphics, and links updated on February 20, 2018.



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