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The EFC Life: 2021 Goals and Resolutions

It’s a new year, which means new year’s resolutions and goals. Do you set resolutions and goals each year? I usually set a few goals for health, reading, life, business . . . you know, the usual.


I set my Goodreads goal for 100 books this year. Do you set a Goodreads goal? If you’d like to be friends on Goodreads, you can find me here.

I also found a few other challenges I’m going to try this year.

Are you doing any reading challenges this year? Share them in the comments so we can participate too!

And don’t forget about The EFC Readers, our Facebook group where we share what we are reading and talk about books and book-related topics. It also has a monthly book club. We selected The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes for this month’s book club discussion. You can check out more about the book here. If you would like to join this community of EFC Readers, please click here.

Health and Fitness

Every year I try to do better with this. I set goals, and I meet some of them. I want to lose some weight this year, exercise more, and eat healthier. My goal is to get at least 10,000 steps per day and to drink at least 80 ounces of water a day. I’ve been trying to snack less, or at least choose better snack options like fruit or veggies. I have a few other goals as well.

What are your health and fitness goals for 2021?

Hobbies and Projects

Do you set goals for projects to complete or hobbies to get back into? I did this year. I want to start cross stitching again, so I set a goal of completing two cross stitch projects this year. I used to create photo albums for vacations and the kids’ birthdays. I’m so far behind on these, so my goal is to start getting caught up.

Blog and Business

I have a lot of goals for the blog and my editing business. I will be bringing you more content here on the blog. I will post more EFC Life posts, and I plan to write EFC Kitchen posts where I’ll share recipes I’m loving, kitchen small appliances that I use, and other food-related posts. And of course I will post book reviews and features as I usually do. I know Jaclyn has a ton of great reviews to share with you! And I have some too! What are some posts you’d like to see here? I am also going to write more editing blog posts on my business website.

Writing and Journaling

A year or two ago, I started journaling. I love it. It is the first thing I do after I grab a cup of coffee in the morning. I sit down and write in my journal. I write what I’m grateful for each day and what I’m trying to achieve, my goals. I’m adding another journal exercise this year. It’s a 5-year journal from Plum Paper that gives a prompt for every day of the year and space to answer the same prompt each day for 5 years. I’m excited to see how it goes. I have other writing goals for this year as well. Do you journal or write?

I have other goals for 2021 that I’m excited about. I know it’s going to be a great year here at EFC.

What are your goals and resolutions for 2021?




Happy 2

* This post may contain affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on January 4, 2021.



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