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Jaclyn’s Review: 21-Day Tummy Diet by Liz Vaccariello

21-Day Tummy Diet: The Revolutionary DIet that Soothes and Shrinks any Belly Fast
written by Liz Vaccariello
published by Reader’s Digest, 2013

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple Books, Target, Walmart, Kobo, Book Depository, Goodreads

Did I enjoy this book? I love self-help books! I actually read this because my sister read it and has had great success with this; she recommended it to me. The “science” behind this is not new, nor is it unique to the Reader’s Digest. Where this book is different is that it breaks down the information in an easily digestible way (see what I did there?!?!!?). This book explains that there are some foods that your body has a harder time digesting and some that are easier, called Belly Bullies and Belly Buddies. You get to read some of the science behind “why” this is, then a practical application. This book outlines a 21-day eating plan to remove all the Belly Bullies from your system, then you scientifically test them 1 at a time to see if you are sensitive to them. The book also includes tons of recipes, so you don’t have to figure everything out on your own. I followed the plan and figured out that there are some foods that just don’t get along with my tummy. The book is marketed as a way to help you lose weight. I did not lose any weight while I was on the 21-day eating plan, but I am OK with that since I was successful in learning about my own food sensitivities.

Would I recommend it? I believe there are tests that you can take now to determine if you have food sensitivies, not just to gluten or lactose but to all different sorts of things. If I’m not mistaken, these tests are pretty expensive. I thought this book was a great, inexpensive way to figure out some obvious food sensitivities. Obviously if you are having any extreme reactions, you should see an actual doctor. But if you are tired of not feeling so great, I think this book’s method was scientifically sound and very informative. I recommend reading this book and trying out the elimination diet/reintroduction to see if you have food sensitivities. It’s well worth it!



About the book – from Goodreads: Based on the latest science, the 21-Day Tummy diet targets excess weight and belly fat while addressing the most common digestive disorders, and is a fun, easy guide to healthy eating that will have you feeling great!

Relieve digestive issues and shrink your waistline with the new, sensitive stomach meal plan from Liz Vaccariello, the New York Times® best-selling author of The Digest Diet and Flat Belly Diet Series.

Lose the Belly Bloat and feel better fast 21-Day Tummy is designed specifically for people with temperamental tummies. You’ll whittle your middle and discover which foods protect you from the main causes of digestive discomfort.

Say good-bye to your grumbling belly and start feeling good again. Let the 21-Day Tummy show you how!

Inside you’ll find:
– An easy-to-follow 21-day eating plan that minimizes shocking Belly Bully foods that cause discomfort and weight gain, while piling on soothing Belly Buddy foods.
– more than 50 scrumptious recipes such as Tomato-Ginger Flank Steak, Chunky Chicken Couscous, Twice-Baked Potato with Pepper Hash, and Almost-Pumpkin Mini Pies.
– inspirational stories and advice from real readers who tried the plan—one lost 19 pounds, another 4 ½ belly inches, and everyone improved their digestive symptoms in just 3 weeks!
– an optional equipment-free workout plan that helps to both sculpt and sooth your stomach with a mix of core strengthening, walking, and yoga.

21-Day Tummy is a fun, easy guide to healthy eating that will have a smaller, healthier you feeling better than, well, possibly ever!


Happy 2

* This post contains affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on January 3, 2020.



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