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Chrissy’s Review: Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar

Gossip Girl (Gossip Girl #1)
written by Cecily von Ziegesar
published by Little, Brown and Company, 2002

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple Books, Target, Walmart, KoboBook Depository, Goodreads

Did I enjoy this book? It was OK. I watched the television series on Netflix in the last year or so–I know, I’m late to the party–and I enjoyed it, so I decided to read the book. However, I was very disappointed in the book. It was a short read, but it took me forever to finish. It felt immature and amateur. I thought the Gossip Girl blog posts and comments were great. But the story itself was flat and boring. I didn’t really get to know any of the characters, and I didn’t care about any of them. I will not be reading any of the other books in this series.

Would I recommend it? I would not recommend it. There are better books out there, and honestly, the television series was so much better.


About the book – from Goodreads: Welcome to New York City’s Upper East Side, where my friends and I live, go to school, play, and sleep—sometimes with each other.

S is back from boarding school, and if we aren’t careful, she’s going to win over our teachers, wear that dress we couldn’t fit into, steal our boyfriends’ hearts, and basically ruin our lives in a major way. I’ll be watching closely . . .

You know you love me,

gossip girl


Happy 2



* This post contains affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on December 18, 2019.


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