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Jaclyn’s Review: Sprinkles on Top by Kim Law

Sprinkles on Top (Sugar Springs #3)
written by Kim Law
published by Montlake Romance, 2014

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, AmazonBook Depository, Goodreads

Did I enjoy this book? This is the third book in a series by Kim Law. The first two books were adorable, and this is no different. This is pretty standard chick lit, and the writing really seems to fit into a template. It’s not that the template is bad, it’s just very predictable. In this series, predictable isn’t bad, and I enjoyed this book.



Would I recommend it? This was a cute and easy read. It worked well as the third book in the series, but you could honestly read it as a standalone book and really wouldn’t miss anything. The few characters they mention from the first books come with enough description to keep the plot moving.




About the book – from Goodreads: For Holly Marshall, there’s no such thing as a perfect match. That’s reflected in the unpredictable, fun clothing combos the aspiring artist wears around her hometown of Sugar Springs—and in her inability to fit in anywhere else. But when she sets out to prove to her family that she’s ready to grow up by settling down, could she have found her perfect mismatch in a play-by-the-book guy wearing a business suit?

High-powered attorney Zack Winston is a man who always gets what he wants. While Holly wouldn’t mind sampling what Zack so deliciously has to offer, she needs someone who plans to stick around—and Zack’s disdain of small towns suggests he won’t. But as the camaraderie of Sugar Springs begins to charm, and Zack’s brothers show what family is all about, he and Holly may just get the chance to have it all…if they’re brave enough to reach out and take it.


Happy 2


* This post contains affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on January 12, 2019.



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