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Chrissy’s Review: Climb Your Own Ladder by Dana Malstaff

Climb Your Own Ladder
written by Dana Malstaff
published by Boss Mom LLC, 2018

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads

Did I enjoy this book? Not really. I liked the concept, but I did not like the execution.

The idea of climbing your own ladder to become the CEO of your own business is a good idea. I liked the steps for each rung of the ladder. I liked the message: You have to learn and work through each step in order to become the CEO.

The downfall for me was the execution. If you are writing a business/professional development book, and if you want to be seen as an authority in a field, your book should be presented professionally. There were many spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. I can understand a few errors here and there, but there were just too many in this book. And those errors took away from the information and the potential learning experience. Besides those errors, the information was not well organized. Many chapters felt like the author was just rambling, and the ramblings didn’t relate to the ladder concept.

Overall, it is a good idea that could be presented in a much better way.



Would I recommend it? I would not recommend it.




About the book – from Goodreads: This book is a field guide. When you have an online business, you end up talking a lot and creating a lot of content. You’re continually trying to figure out your unique voice, ideas, and way of thinking to help your voice get heard among the growing masses of people who are trying to do the same thing.

This is not a book about creating content, and it’s not a book about how to get your voice heard. “Climb Your Own Ladder” is a field guide that shows you the natural progression you will make as your grow your business.

Use it to understand where you are now, so you can get to where you want to go faster.


Happy 2



* This post contains affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on January 10, 2019.



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