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Fall Reading Challenge 2018: The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory (Chrissy’s review)
The Proposal
written by Jasmine Guillory
published by Berkley Books, 2018
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, Walmart, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as part of the Fall Reading Challenge hosted by BookSparks.
Did I enjoy this book? I did enjoy The Proposal. I needed a lighter read that would keep me turning pages, and this book did not disappoint.
Nikole Paterson wasn’t expecting a proposal at the Dodgers game, so when she said no, she was left all alone. That is until Carlos Ibarra and his sister come to her rescue. I loved the way Carlos and Angela saved Nikole from the cameras at the ballgame. Nikole and Carlos are a great match. Some of their get-togethers made me laugh out loud, especially when they were making enchiladas. And there were definitely moments where I just wanted to yell at both of them to just open their eyes!!
All in all, it was a cute read that I enjoyed.
Would I recommend it? Yes, I would recommend this book! It was a fun read!
About the book – from Goodreads: The author of The Wedding Date serves up a novel about what happens when a public proposal doesn’t turn into a happy ending, thanks to a woman who knows exactly how to make one on her own…
When someone asks you to spend your life with him, it shouldn’t come as a surprise–or happen in front of 45,000 people.
When freelance writer Nikole Paterson goes to a Dodgers game with her actor boyfriend, his man bun, and his bros, the last thing she expects is a scoreboard proposal. Saying no isn’t the hard part–they’ve only been dating for five months, and he can’t even spell her name correctly. The hard part is having to face a stadium full of disappointed fans…
At the game with his sister, Carlos Ibarra comes to Nik’s rescue and rushes her away from a camera crew. He’s even there for her when the video goes viral and Nik’s social media blows up–in a bad way. Nik knows that in the wilds of LA, a handsome doctor like Carlos can’t be looking for anything serious, so she embarks on an epic rebound with him, filled with food, fun, and fantastic sex. But when their glorified hookups start breaking the rules, one of them has to be smart enough to put on the brakes…
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** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books (everyfreechance.com) on December 27, 2018.