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Release Event: After Lucas by Tudor Robins (spotlight, guest post, giveaway)

Today is the Release Event of After Lucas by Tudor Robins, organized by Maureen’s Books Promotions. After Lucas is a YA novel and the second book in the Stonegate Series.

About The Book: Thanks to the talent of her pushbutton super-horse, Ava, Mavis wins every ribbon, trophy, and championship she competes for. No rider effort required, and not much skill either – Ava does it all.

So, when Mavis’s dad loses his job, and Ava must go up for sale, Mavis is swamped with … relief.She knows it’s the wrong thing to feel, but Mavis is used to feeling, thinking, and acting the wrong way. It’s why she has no friends.

Also, riding’s been really boring, for a long time.

With super-Ava sold super-fast, Mavis is ready to start enjoying her horse-free life.

Until she meets Lucas. Lucas is everything Ava’s not. Stocky, dirty, untrained, and unproven, the former trail horse has the complete opposite on Mavis as her former show mare did.

Mavis likes Lucas. She loves him, even.

Lucas has a lot to learn, but it might be Mavis who gains the most from their new, unlikely, partnership.

The Facts: 

Publication Date:
October 31st, 2017
Stonegate Series #2
Available at:

The first book in the Stonegate Series Objects In Mirror


The Perfect Horse

This is such a great topic for pretty much all my books and, particularly, to help launch After Lucas. In fact, by suggesting this topic, you’ve actually made me see a theme—or at least a pattern—in my books.

Essentially, girl has “perfect” horse. Girl loses perfect horse. Girl has to re-think equine perfection. Whether it’s Grace losing Sprite in Objects in Mirror, Meg losing Major in Appaloosa Summer, or Mavis losing Ava in After Lucas, my main characters often have to give up the horse that seemed perfect, and figure out how to deal with the loss.

The stories are different—Grace eventually gets to ride Sprite again, Meg can’t go back because Major has died, and Mavis . . . well, I don’t think it’s a spoiler to tell you Mavis isn’t exactly sad to lose her perfect horse.

It’s the journeys that matter, though. In leaving behind the horse they knew, maybe loved, and were comfortable with, all these characters have to face challenges. They have to grow—both in their horsemanship and as people.

By the end of my books, my characters are usually smart enough to realize the perfect horse is the one you have with you, that you get to ride and spend time with.

As to my perfect horse (because I’m afraid you’ll think I’m dodging if I don’t answer this!), while I think many horses are perfect for many people in different circumstances, I do have a major weakness for tall, skinny, off the track thoroughbreds.

I’ve fallen hard for a few horses like this—mostly big, lean, strong bays; you know the type—if they were a guy they’d be six-foot-three with dark hair and they’d be devastatingly good at sports, and every girl would like them, and they’d most definitely break your heart.

Fortunately, I’m currently lucky enough to love a towering, chestnut, OTTB named Martin’s Pride, and also fortunately, he’s just silly enough that if he was a guy he wouldn’t break your heart—he’d just make you laugh—and he also has a wonderful owner who has been generously sharing him with me for a couple of years now.

So perfect, for me right now (and hopefully, for a long time to come), is Martin. How about you? I’d love to year about your perfect horse.


About the Author: Tudor Robins is an Ottawa-based young adult author whose first novel, Objects in Mirror, was named a Best Book for Kids and Teens by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre. Tudor loves reading, writing, and horseback riding, as well as spending time on Wolfe Island with her husband and two sons. 

For more information about Tudor please visit her website. Or visit her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.


This event was organized by Maureen’s Books Promotions. 

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  • by Carol
    Posted November 7, 2017 12:18 pm 0Likes

    I’ve never been much of a horse person, but I have a niece who might enjoy this one.

  • by Maureen Bakker
    Posted November 7, 2017 2:33 pm 0Likes

    I looove horses. And I used to be around horses every day. I definitely miss that. So reading about horses always makes me feel good.
    Thanks for joining the release event.

  • by Marilyn
    Posted November 7, 2017 5:55 pm 0Likes

    This looks like a great read.

  • by Simone Griffin
    Posted November 14, 2017 1:54 pm 0Likes

    Lovely prize 🙂

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