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Chrissy’s Review: The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle

The Marriage LieThe Marriage Lie
written by Kimberly Belle
published by Mira, 2016

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, AmazoniBooks, Target, WalmartBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book? 
I did enjoy this book up until the last quarter of it. Then, it took a nose dive for me.

The Marriage Lie started out strong and it kept me reading until the very end. It really did. I couldn’t imagine what Iris went through when she learned Will died in a plane crash and then that the plane wasn’t the one she thought he was on. The story takes off from there, and wow! What a ride! I loved that her twin brother stepped up to help her and that she had friends who were there for her. I just didn’t like the turn it took at the last quarter. I didn’t see it coming, and I didn’t like it. I really thought it was a bit too farfetched and unrealistic. It was just too much, especially when the story was so good, really good.

I struggled with this rating. I really wanted to give it 2 stars, but I couldn’t stop reading it. I had to see how it ended. I was invested. So, my rating is:

Would I recommend it? If I was asked about it, I might recommend it.



About the book – from Goodreads:
Even the perfect marriage has its dark side…

Iris and Will’s marriage is as close to perfect as it can be: a large house in a nice Atlanta neighborhood, rewarding careers and the excitement of trying for their first baby. But on the morning Will leaves for a business trip to Orlando, Iris’s happy world comes to an abrupt halt. Another plane headed for Seattle has crashed into a field, killing everyone on board, and according to the airline, Will was one of the passengers on this plane.

Grief-stricken and confused, Iris is convinced it all must be a huge misunderstanding. But as time passes and there is still no sign of Will, she reluctantly accepts that he is gone. Still, Iris needs answers. Why did Will lie about where he was going? What is in Seattle? And what else has he lied about? As Iris sets off on a desperate quest to find out what her husband was keeping from her, the answers she receives will shock her to her very core.



Happy 2

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