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Jaclyn’s Review: Jay Walking by Tracy Krimmer

Jay Walking (Pastime Pursuits #2)

Jay Walking
written by Tracy Krimmer
published by Amazon Digital Services, 2015

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooksBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book? 
I really wanted to like this book, but I just couldn’t. The more I read, the less I liked the characters. The idea of this book is good–single mom with toddler decides to take her life back, starting with an exercise program. She bumps into random, gorgeous stranger who immediately takes a liking to her, and they embark on this healthy lifestyle together. Sounds great! Obviously the plot needed some drama, so the author chose to introduce the biological dad as a protagonist. Again–the IDEA of that is OK, but the execution was not good.

The main character is in her early twenties but behaves as if she’s 14. As you read deeper into the book, she just becomes less likable. The hottie that she meets isn’t realistic at all. A gorgeous doctor suddenly starts chasing a young girl with baggage? His behavior is borderline obsessive. As if that’s not enough, he’s very secretive about his own life–then introduces all sorts of restrictions on their relationship. Now let’s talk about the biological dad. What a deadbeat! A character like this can be good for a plot, if done well. But he just wasn’t. Every part of this book was a flop.


Would I recommend it? Nope. There are just too many things wrong with this plot and the characters aren’t written well. I would definitely recommend skipping this one.



About the book – from Goodreads: Chelsea Wyatt, a single mom trying to build a life for her and her son, is sick of the body she sees in the mirror. A daily diet of Cookie Crisp cereal is not doing wonders for her mood or her figure, and it’s time for a change. Setting out to get fit, she commits herself to a daily walking plan, forcing herself to give up her all-sugar and carb diet, a difficult task at her donut obsessed job.

But her plan goes sideways when a stumble on the ice puts her in the arms of Jay, an attractive young man out on a run. They grab coffee together, and Chelsea finds herself thinking about him long after their short meeting. The thought of dating again hadn’t crossed her mind in years, and she doesn’t even know if Jay is available, or if he would be interested in her despite her unfit body.

Just when she has a handle on her new routine, her past catches up with her, throwing her blossoming relationship with Jay and the rest of her life into chaos. Can Chelsea hold onto the people she loves most, or will a wrong turn set her up for failure?

This is book 2 of the Pastime Pursuits series, and can be read as a stand-alone novel.


Happy 2

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