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Blog Tour: Shadow by Colleen Oakes (Chrissy’s review)
Shadow (Wendy Darling, Vol. 3)
written by Colleen Oakes
published by SparkPress, 2017
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Walmart, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book? I really did. The Wendy Darling series is a fantastic series that gives a different glimpse into the Neverland world. You can read my reviews of Stars and Seas at the links provided.
I don’t want to spoil Stars and Seas, or Shadow for that matter, so my review will be on the vague side. Read those books, then this one. Seriously.
Shadow had me staying up WAY past my bedtime reading. I had to know how this story ended. The emotions were there, and dang it if Ms. Oakes didn’t have me tearing up again. (I’m telling you, I don’t cry during books, movies, etc. But man, this one had me misty-eyed just like Seas.) Seriously, I was on the edge of my seat. I was heartbroken. I was happy. I was every emotion at some point. Some questions were answered; some hopes were dashed.
Shadow is a fitting end to this fabulous Peter Pan retelling. Am I satisfied with the finale? Yes. Do I wish for more? Absolutely. But, sadly, all stories must end sometime.
Would I recommend it? Yes, but definitely read the first two books first. Seas is my favorite.
About the book: Wendy Darling has found herself once again in the arms of charming Peter Pan, the god-child who desires power above all things. This time, though, Wendy burns not with passion but with a secret: with Hook as her ally, she is there to defeat the evil that lies inside of Peter, the evil that holds all Neverland hostage—the Shadow.
To do this, Wendy must quietly undo Peter from inside his heart while at the same time convincing Tink to betray the twisted love that binds them together. This is a task made nearly impossible by the arrival of Booth, her sweetheart from London and a new pawn in Peter’s manipulative game—a boy whose heart she must break in order to save his life.
As all of Neverland prepares to fight, Wendy races to untangle Peter’s connection to the Shadow, a secret long buried in the Forsaken Garden. When the time comes, pirates, mermaids, Lost Boys, and the Darling family will all rise—but if Wendy can’t call the Shadow, they will all be destroyed by Peter’s dark soul. War has come to paradise, and Neverland will never be the same.