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In the Kitchen: Blue Apron: Fresh Fettuccine with Beet, Goat Cheese, & Poppy Seeds

In theKitchen


Hi, Everyone!

In an effort to spend less time meal planning and more time reading, I decided to give Blue Apron a try. It costs less than taking the whole family to a restaurant, and it seemed like a fun way to add some new recipes to my repertoire.

Tonight: Fresh Fettuccine with Beet, Goat Cheese, & Poppy Seeds 

Pink Noodles! I was so excited for this meal! Husband announced he wouldn’t be trying it no matter what I told him, so I made this to treat myself to a fun lunch. Just look at those yummy beets sparkling in the afternoon sun. Plus fresh pasta . . . I can’t remember the last time I had fresh pasta!

But here’s the thing. Pink pasta is not yummy. In fact, it’s downright . . . bland. I was so disappointed. I mean, it’s PRETTY, but . . . the doughiness (is that a word?) of the pasta overwhelmed the beets, and the only flavor I really tasted was the few crumbles of goat cheese. It was a bummer.

If I make it again: Not going to happen.

Did my kids eat it: I didn’t even eat it. I scraped the goat cheese off the top, tossed the rest, and made myself a sandwich.

Pretty and Tasty are not the same. 🙁

Melissa kitchen




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