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Jaclyn’s Review: Emma vs. the Tech Guy by Lia Fairchild

Emma vs. the Tech Guy
written by Lia Fairchild
published by

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book? 
This was a cute, short read. This book was exactly as promised–a fun and funny, chick lit, no stress read. The author really builds up the big “secret,” as well as Emma’s challenges with social interactions. I thought both of these fell a little short. When the big “secret” is revealed at the end, the whole thing is sort of glossed over. There isn’t very much story dedicated to the ramifications of keeping the secret and it’s eventual revelation. I wanted a bit more there.  In addition, the author continued to tell us how socially inept Emma is–but it would have been more effective to SHOW us. Truthfully, Emma’s social grace–or lack thereof–didn’t really seem to play into the story line at all. I’m not sure why the author made such a big deal of this. This plot point could have been completely removed and I don’t think it would have hurt the story at all



Would I recommend it? This was definitely a cute read. It was a happy story, just enough drama to make it interesting, but not so much that I felt stressed out while reading it. I didn’t want to put this one down until I found out what the big secret was! Can a story be compelling and relaxing at the same time? If so, this is it! Yes, I would recommend this book.



About the book – from Goodreads: If you think you know me, you’re dead wrong. Yes, I’m driven and calculating and my colleagues see me as a cold, workaholic who has stopped at nothing to create the top fashion magazine in Southern California. But working my ass off isn’t the only reason I got there. And those little indiscretions used to be content hiding in the back of the closet.

Then Guy Walker enters my office. Sexy, sweet, and super popular, the new tech guy is taking our office by storm. Sure, I notice him. But I won’t risk him derailing every strategy I have in place. If he gets too close, he might discover my secrets, and that could ruin my career and turn my life upside down.

This hilarious chick lit book will pull you into its world and leave you loving its fun, witty characters


Happy 2

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