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Gina’s Review: An Amish Noel by Patricia Davids
An Amish Noel
written by Patricia Davids
published by Love Inspired, 2015
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Target, Book Depository, Walmart, Goodreads
Disclosure: This review first appeared on Sip, Read, Love.
Did I enjoy this book: I love redemption stories. I love when a hero has made mistakes and is struggling to find his inner good–the man he can be. Luke is one of my favorite characters from An Amish Harvest, so I was ecstatic when I discovered his story came next in the Amish Bachelor series. Luke is an ex-convict and drug user who doesn’t know if he will stay with his family in the Amish community or go to be English. When he sees that his childhood sweetheart Emma still hasn’t married, however, the gears start turning.
There’s a lot of angst in this book, but it’s not overwhelming. It fits perfectly with the characters’ struggles. Emma’s trust issues and worries make sense, and I think Luke is a strong man for admitting he’s feeling weak. We all have our moments, and this helps faith and love enter at the perfect moment.
I truly never thought I would enjoy Amish romances, but now I see the draw. I understand why so many women want a good, wholesome romance in their lives. Life can get crazy, and it’s nice just to take a moment and read a romance that’s set in a simpler way of life. It’s a nice reminder that we are all the same: we all need family and love to help us through the tough times.
“Your guilt. You wield it like a club to beat away the goodness of others and to keep happiness from your door.”
Would I recommend it: An Amish Harvest is still my favorite, but this one is a great second book in the series.
About the book – from Goodreads:
An Amish Homecoming
Luke Bowman’s homecoming is turning Emma Swartzentruber’s carefully ordered world upside down. Gone is her rebellious girlhood crush, and in his place is a handsome man who seems committed to serving the community. Luke’s even agreed to work for Emma’s ill father, whose last wish is to see his daughter wedded to a stable, loving man. But Luke – a man who flirted with the outside world with disastrous consequences – is hardly marriage material for a good Amish woman. Yet this Christmas, when her family is flung into crisis, Emma finds that he may just be the one to capture her heart for good.