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Melissa’s Review: Kalifus Rising by Alane Adams

Kalifus Rising (Legends of Orkney, #2)

Kalifus Rising (Legends of Orkney #2)
written by Alane Adams
published by Sparkpress, 2016

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Target, WalmartBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
Wheee! It’s nearly as good as the first one! I was secretly hoping Sam wouldn’t be the only Earthling to get cool magical skills, and if you take a close look at the cover art, you’ll see my hopes weren’t for naught. Sam’s friends split up to help save the day this time, and though I liked following their different paths, it felt a bit rushed this time (and a bit predictable, too, if I’m being honest). I struggled with Howie’s dialogue–I think Adams overdid the slang a bit–but hopefully she’ll continue to work on it in the next book (when does the next book come out? Can I read it yet please?).

3.5 stars


Would I recommend it: Yep!




About the book – from Goodreads: Sam Baron just freed Orkney from the ravages of the Red Sun—but now, imprisoned by Catriona, leader of the Volgrim Witches, Sam finds the darker side of his half-god, half-witch heritage released, and he fears he might destroy what he saved. Unable to resist the witches’ enchantments, Sam has become their most potent weapon, and is leading an army of monstrous men against Skara Brae.

Sam’s only hope for salvation lies with his three best friends and a mystical artifact known as the Moon Pearl. Keely travels north in search of the pearl, while Howie prepares for the gathering onslaught. Leo seeks a powerful artifact in the underworld, and faces an ancient evil that could be an even greater threat than Catriona and her cronies.

As Sam’s friends rush to save him, other forces are at work in Orkney’s shadows—forces that could help free Sam, or condemn him to the darkness forever.


Happy 2

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