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Chrissy’s Review: Not Quite Sheer Happiness by Melissa Baldwin
Not Quite Sheer Happiness (Event to Remember #3)
written by Melissa Baldwin
published by Melissa Baldwin, 2016
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble (Nook) (print), Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads
Disclosure: I did some editing work on this title. After that work was completed, I was asked by the author to review the book. I received a copy of this book for review purposes. Although I was compensated for the editing work, it in no way affected the outcome of my review. My review is my honest opinion of the book.
Did I enjoy this book: I really did! This was a great finale to the Event to Remember series. Although, I’m kind of hoping for more Sienna and the gang! (You can check out my reviews of the first two books here: An Event to Remember . . . Or Forget and Wedding Haters.)
We are back with the gang from An Event to Remember and Wedding Haters. Madison and Cole are happily married and traveling while Cole’s on tour. Abby and Matt are loving life with their two little ones. Sienna, Craig, and Nicole are busier than ever at Sheer Happiness Events. And Sienna and Ace are still together and quite happy. It was great to catch up with these characters.
I was very surprised by Craig. He was always a bit outspoken and unpredictable, but I definitely didn’t predict what happened in this book. Ace is lovable and sweet. He is the perfect match for Sienna. Ace is swoon-worthy. Of course, Sienna can’t get through a moment without some drama or crazy happenings. I loved how much Sienna evolved in this book and since the beginning of the series. There were times that I hardly recognized her, but that made it that much better. She is definitely a character that I rooted for, and I wanted her to find her own happiness. She was always the one that created happy moments for others. I wanted her to have a few happy moments. She definitely hit a few bumps along the way.
I laughed, I swooned, I shook my head, and I loved every moment. A great read!
Would I recommend it: Absolutely! This was a great ending (unless Ms. Baldwin is planning a 4th book???) to a great series! Be sure to check out the first two books: An Event to Remember . . . Or Forget and Wedding Haters.
About the book – from Goodreads: Sienna Harris is back and appears to be on top of the world! Her company, Sheer Happiness Events, is booming, but personally she’s a mess. She never imagined that with amazing success would come tremendous pressure. Although her professional life seems in disarray at times, her relationship with the dashing Ace Eckelund is finally progressing.
Friendships are tested and so is her relationship when—once again—the past collides with the present. Sienna begins to question everything in her life and wonders if she should throw out her desire for constant certainty and live life on the edge for once. But, will she be able to change the person she has always been for who she wants to become?
Find out in this captivating third installment of The Event to Remember series.