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Melissa’s Review: I AM by Michael Drakish

I Am

written by Michael Drakish
published by Smashwords, 2015

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble (Nook) (print), AmazonGoodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
I almost didn’t get past the cover, but boy am I glad I did. Drakich’s story is definitely science fiction, but it brought up some questions I’m always interested in discussing: sentient machines, reincarnation, and my favorite–what if God really IS just the One who’s been around the longest?

The only thing that irked me (besides the god-awful cover art) was the ending. Drakich could’ve been more subtle. We all knew where things were going, and it’s a bit insulting to have it literally spelled out for us.



“Am I to blame for this?”


Would I recommend it: Yes! Ignore the cover . . . this one is worth the read.


About the book – from Goodreads: 
Genius, wealthy and life regenerated, Adam Spenceworth is living the dream aboard his custom spaceship run by Mum, his first designed AI, protected by Gort, his first robot, and occupied by Eve, his sexbot. With each regeneration he returns to start over as a twenty-five year old man ready to enjoy the pleasures of his success. What could go wrong? Except, maybe, planetary wars, territorial space battles, alien invasions, and the disturbing fact that each regeneration is taking exponentially longer than the one before bringing him into one galactic crisis after another. A frolicking space drama filled with references sure to strike home with any science fiction aficionado.



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