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Julie’s Review: Funny You Should Ask by Lill Hawkins
Funny You Should Ask: Life Without A Field Guide Book 1
written by Lill Hawkins
published by Smashwords, 2016
find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: Sort of. The author’s writing style took some time to get used to. Having no experience in homeschooling (which Hawkins calls ‘unschooling’), I found that some content went over my head. I did, however, laugh out loud several times. The author’s comparisons between herself and ‘super moms’ were quite funny.
Would I recommend it: I might recommend it to a homeschooling friend or someone looking for a light and funny book.
About the book – from Goodreads: From Chapter 2 of “Funny You Should Ask”
“1. Q. Why aren’t you in school?
A. Why aren’t you in therapy? A. Why would you ask? A. I’m still contagious. A. If I can’t take my gun, I’m not gonna go. A. Head lice. A. My religion lets me marry at 9 and I’m on my honeymoon. A. Leprosy A. Psychiatrist appointment. A. I had to see my parole officer. A. Court date. A. My parents refuse to make me go to a place I hate where I’m cooped up for six hours with 22 other kids my own age and completely separated from both the real world and the people who love me the most.”
Being secular homeschoolers in a small town in Maine isn’t easy. Drifts of doom. Frost heaves from Hell. Maine isn’t for the fainthearted, but it can be hilarious, almost hysterical at times.
Luckily, Lill, Geekdaddy, Son, and Daughter are usually able to overcome almost anything – even lovesick porcupines and hunters that shoot at anything with four legs, including lawn furniture – without losing their senses of humor.
Did Lill really see a Kiwi near the “Caution, Blind Chicken!” sign? Does Daughter have Dramatic Fever or is it a case of the Instamatic Flu? Why is Son wearing a lobster tail on his neck and seeing ninjas at the deli counter? Does the Marriage Bed of Satan have a memory foam mattress and is death by arachnophobia insecticide?
Will Geekdaddy manage to survive being decaffeinated? What if his purple union boxers – the ones that say “look for the union label” on the front – fade to pink in the washer? Why did a psychiatrist mistake him for a patient at the mental health institution where he works, simply because he was talking to his tomato plant and wearing three sets of glasses?
The Life Without a Field Guide Series answers these questions and many more.
You don’t have to be a homeschooler, a parent or from Maine to see the funny side of Life Without a Field Guide.