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In the Kitchen: Home Chef: Lox with Blini
Hi, Everyone!
In an effort to spend less time meal planning and more time reading, I decided to give Home Chef a try. It costs less than taking the whole family to a restaurant, and it seemed like a fun way to add some new recipes to my repertoire.
Tonight: Lox with Blini, Shaved Cucumber Salad, and Scrambled Eggs

Home Chef said I was supposed to make this recipe for breakfast. Listen. Breakfast at my house involves me gulping half-cold coffee while tossing toast at my kids. I’m not a breakfast at breakfast kind of gal . . . I’m lucky if I get myself together for a decent lunch. Anyway. Breakfast for dinner it is!

OK, so here’s the thing, Home Chef. You really need to stop telling me to make salads without tomatoes. I Just. Can’t. Do it.
So. Once I’d sufficiently Melissa-fied the salad, it was on to the Blini.
GUYS. Did you know that ‘Blini’ is code for TINY PANCAKES?!? I know, right? YUM.

The recipe told me I was supposed to make an even dozen and then toss the rest of the batter.
No again, Home Chef. We don’t waste tiny pancake batter! We LURV tiny pancakes!

Anyway. I tossed in a few extra eggs so there would be enough to feed the kidlets, made my tiny lox roses, and, after using less than half the amount of sour cream the recipe called for (Seriously. Who needs that much sour cream?), I ended up with a big fat plate of yum:
If I make it again:
Husband is the pancake master around here, so if anyone’s going to make blini again, it’s him. I mean, sure, I’ll do it for a blog recipe, but honestly, I’m a freezer pancake kind of gal. Plus, I’ll be honest, I like my lox on something a bit crispier, like a bagel or a crostini. Pancake lox was fun to try, but it won’t be a regular occurrence at our house.
Did my kids eat it:
They ate the tiny pancakes. With syrup. We didn’t share the lox.