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Bookshelves and Giveaways – May 5, 2016
Hi, Everyone!
We’re going to try a new feature out for the summer. We’re going to show you our bookshelves! We all love our books!! I’m starting with my favorite bookshelf, my Harry Potter shelf. That’s right . . . I have a shelf dedicated to Harry Potter. That’s really not all that surprising. I told my husband that when we get new bookshelves, I’ll need at least two shelves for Harry Potter. Anyway . . . here’s the shelf!
I love the Funko POPs. (Since this picture was taken, I got the Draco Malfoy POP.) I still have more to get . . . hence the reason for at least one more Harry Potter shelf. Probably more. I have more Harry Potter stuff that hasn’t made it to the shelf yet.
And now for the giveaway! I have some some extra unread books in my house–again, not all that surprising!–and I want to pass them on to you guys. For this giveaway, I have two books: The Man Who Spoke Snakish by Andrus Kivirahk and A Stone in the Sea by A.L. Jackson. (Goodreads links)

by tessajanssen
I’m really really curious where you got your triwizard tournament cup replica!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
My mom bought it for me from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. =) I love it!