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Armchair BEA 2016 – Day 1: Introductions

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Welcome to Armchair BEA! This is the seventh annual Armchair BEA, and this is EFC’s third year participating! We are so excited to take part again this year!


Day 1: Introductions


1.  What is the name you prefer to use?
  • There are two of us posting this year for Armchair BEA: Chrissy and Melissa.
2.  How long have you been a book blogger?
  • Chrissy started EFC in 2011 and Melissa joined in 2012.
3.  Have you participated in ABEA before?
  • YES! EFC participated in 2014 and 2015. We had a blast both years, and we are looking forward to this year.
4.  Do you have a favorite book?
  • Chrissy: the Harry Potter series
  • Melissa: Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson
5.  What is your favorite genre and why?
  • Chrissy: Chick lit – Happily ever afters make me smile.
  • Melissa: Fantasy/SciFi – I like to escape reality.
6.  How do you arrange your bookshelves? Is there a rhyme or reason? Or not at all?
  • Chrissy: I arrange my shelves mainly by favorites and genres. The books on the shelves are not in alphabetical order or size or anything like that. It’s my own “system.”
This is a small portion of my bookshelves. =)
This is a small portion of my bookshelves. =)
My favorite shelf. ;-)
My favorite shelf. 😉
A portion of Melissa's shelves.
A portion of Melissa’s shelves.
7.  What book are you most excited for on your TBR?


chrissysig melissasig

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