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Blue Apron: Seared Chicken & Mashed Potatoes

Hi, Everyone!

In an effort to spend less time meal planning and more time reading I decided to give Blue Apron a try. It costs less than taking the whole family to a restaurant, and it seemed like a fun way to add some new recipes to my repertoire.

TONIGHT: Seared Chicken & Mashed Potatoes with Maple-Glazed Carrots and Pan Sauce

Comfort Food

Ok, so here’s what happened: I couldn’t possibly start dinner until I’d applied Kid #1’s epically important temporary tattoo.

Look at those pretty Jamberries I sometimes have time to put on my fingers!

This recipe requires lots of “put this in a warm place and save it for awhile” bits, which, while mildly annoying, lead me to an awesome discovery:


20160213_191330Yeah. That’s the entire meal shoved into the microwave. Turns out Husband was late getting home, so I definitely broke in the KEEP WARM button.

I didn’t think two little carrots was enough for my family, so I tossed in some extra.



Letting the chicken rest under foil for a few minutes made a big difference–it was juicy and delicious! Kid #1 turned out to be an awesome potato masher, and there were absolutely no leftovers.



I was supposed to plate this nonsense up in some fancy-schmancy way, but listen. I’m not fancy-schmancy. I just tossed this all on plates & we tucked in. Guess what? It still tasted delicious!


  • add even more carrots

DID THE KIDS EAT IT: Yes. They loved it. Kid #2 ate more mashed potatoes than I did, and Kid #1 declared his undying love for carrots. We’ll definitely be making this one again!


Happy Reading (and eating!),


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