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Blog Tour: Sleight of Hand by Sue Duff (Sara’s Review)

Sleight of HandSleight of Hand (Book 3: The Weir Chronicles)
written by Sue Duff
published by Crosswinds Publishing, 2015

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble (Nook) (print), Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
I sure did! Seeing as how I already read (and raved) about the first two books, this doesn’t come as a surprise. (You can read my reviews here: Fade to Black and Masks and Mirrors.)

This installment of the Weir Chronicles, however, did come with some surprises and lots of excitement! There was never a dull moment, between poisonings, kidnappings, and several (REALLY unexpected) twists, I was always fully engaged in the story. I was so excited to learn more about Jaered; I’ve been desperate to learn more about him and his back story since his first introduction, and we finally get the bigger picture in this story.

As I have now come to expect from Duff, her characters are complete and well rounded, without being totally predictable. I love these characters and I feel as if I know them. I have spent time with them. I share their joys, despairs, and adventures, which is what I look for in my books! Well done, Duff!


Would I recommend it: Yes! By all means . . . but read Fade to Black and Mask and Mirrors first. You will thank me later!


About the book – from Goodreads: The epic Weir Chronicles continues. The rebels poison Ian and it’s up to Rayne and Patrick to find a cure before their friend succumbs and Earth’s fate is left in the hands of adversaries intent on taking control of the planet. To obtain answers, Rayne must travel to an alternate world where few survive as Patrick unearths the secrets of the rebels and discovers a truth that shatters his beliefs about the Weir and the future of Earth.



Author Sue DuffAbout the author: Sue Duff has dreamed of dragons and spaceships before she could even read, so it’s only natural that she now combines both fantasy and science fiction as her favorite genre. Having written since high school, Duff never took it seriously until a skiing accident laid her up for an entire summer and she turned on the word processor to combat the boredom. A couple years later, her first urban fantasy novel, Fade to Black, was one of five finalists in the RMFW Colorado Gold Writing Contest and in 2015, Duff’s writing earned her the PEN Award.

She is the second oldest of six girls with an avid reader mom and her dad, the family’s single drop of testosterone in a sea of estrogen. By day, Duff is a dedicated speech-language therapist at an inner city school district, a career she pursued much in part to her aunt who got her hooked on stories of the profession when Duff was younger. She is passionate about the work she does and regularly works to help those students that need it the most.

Sue is a member of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and The Pikes Peak Writers. She calls Colorado home and when not saving the world one page at a time, she can be found walking her great dane, getting her hands dirty in her garden, or creating

Check out her blog, A Cook’s Guide to Writing, and other musings on her website.

Find Ms. Duff here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram




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1 Comment

  • by feeroberts64
    Posted February 22, 2016 9:38 pm 0Likes

    I love this cover!

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