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Throwback Review – Christmas Edition: The Christmas Town by Elyse Douglas

I read this book about two years ago. It was a sweet read.

christmas townThe Christmas Town
written by Elyse Douglas
published by Elyse Douglas

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I was asked by the publicist to review this book. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I did enjoy this book. It took a little while to get hooked, but once I was, I did not want to put this book down. I think it was once I hit the halfway mark that I couldn’t stop reading. 

Jackie and Megan are seemingly different women that are both looking for love, but don’t realize it. They get swept away to a different time and end up finding true love. The women are modern women and have a difficult time adjusting to the mindset of the 1940s. It was a bit annoying because surely they understood the way it was back then. Megan is an actress that starred in various productions staged in that era. Jackie shows just how addicted we are to our technology nowadays. But they do make an effort, and I liked watching their love blossom once they meet the two young men.

The Christmas Town is a sweet, romantic, time travel story that left me with a smile and a giddy laugh at the end. Was it predictable? A bit. Did it leave me wanting more? Absolutely – in a good way and in a bad way. The story was quick and I would have liked a bit more from it. However, I wouldn’t want it any longer than it is. I don’t know if that makes much sense but this is one of those stories that I want to know more but I don’t want to read another hundred pages. Was it worth the read? You bet. I liked the little twists at the end. The book of stories was a nice touch as was the very end. 😉


Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book. It is a sweet, romantic, Christmas book.

Will I read it again: This may not be a “read every year” book, but it will be one that I visit again.


About the book – from Goodreads:
The Christmas Town, by Elyse Douglas, is a new time travel, mystery, romance novel that was released on October 11, 2013.

Traveling home for Christmas, two young women in their 20s are forced to drive together during a snowstorm, and they get lost. They cross a covered bridge and, suddenly, they enter the past, finding themselves in a small picturesque Vermont town in 1943. They meet two handsome soldiers, who are about to be sent off to war, and they fall in love with them, while also struggling to find a way to return home to their own time.

With the soldiers’ help, on Christmas Eve, the two women finally have one chance to return to their own time, but they are caught between their love for the soldiers, and their desire to return to the present. At the last moment, they must make the difficult decision and, because it is Christmas, a miracle happens.



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