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Melissa’s Review: Heroes of Earth by Martin Berman-Gorvine
Heroes of Earth
written by Martin Berman-Gorvine
published by Wildside Press, 2015
find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: Theoretically, yes. Actually, not really. I don’t know. Maybe I’m too far removed from the YA audience this book is intended for, but unless I’ve completely forgotten how to be a teenager (which is totally possible), I think Berman-Gorvine wanders off tangentially WAY too often. Yes, sure, it’s cool that the characters all watch the same show, but do we really need to spend half a page detailing the actors in the show and their interpersonal relationships when it’s not remotely relevant to the plot?
Writing a book is cool. Thinking about all the little world-building details is part of the fun, and spending time doing so is what can make a good writer a great one. The thing is though, a great writer also knows that almost all of that world-building gets left on the cutting room floor.
Would I recommend it: If you don’t mind sifting through gratuitous detail, go for it.
About the book – from Goodreads: If alien beings had conquered the Earth, would you feel justified in using terrorism to drive them out? This is the question confronting the teenage heroes of my YA science fiction novel, Heroes of Earth (Wildside Press, May 8, 2015).
Close to half a century after starfish-like creatures from a star 20 light-years away short-circuited Apollo 11’s mission to the Moon, Alison Grossbard, her brother Arnold, his girlfriend Kayleigh Scott, and their friend Jo Purnell struggle with this impossible moral dilemma and the trials of growing up in coastal Virginia. Their actions will change their world forever.