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Story Time with Sara: Revolutionary War on Wednesday by Mary Pope Osborne
Revolutionary War on Wednesday (Magic Tree House #22)
written by Mary Pope Osborne
published by Random House Books for Young Readers, June 2010
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Did I enjoy this book: I was a little concerned at first. We are big fans of the Magic Tree House series. My three-year-old just can’t get enough of them. When he picked this one out at the library, however, I was a little nervous. How exactly does one broach the subject of war with a preschooler? Osborne did an amazing job of bringing the Revolutionary War down to a child’s level without making it a scary scarring experience, or bringing up any awkward questions.
In fact, we actually had some great questions and discussions because of the book. My favorite was when we were talking about how General Washington became our first president. I asked my three-year-old if he knew who our current president was . . . his response . . . “President Business, of course, Mom . . .” Oy . . . we may watch too much Lego Movie . . .

Would I recommend it: Yes, I really would! We still really adore the Magic Tree House series as a whole, and this book did not disappoint. I like how the first couple stories in the (now) 52-book series started with fun topics that many children are interested in like dinosaurs, knights, astronauts, mummies, and pirates. Once the children are hooked, she starts sprinkling in some really awesome historical fiction like the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, the sinking of the Titanic, the Civil and Revolutionary Wars, and she does it all while still engaging children and fostering a love of not only reading but history as well.
In short, pick these books up! Even if your child is too young to read them alone, these make really great read-aloud books, and sharing and discussing them as a family is one of our favorite parts!
About the book – from Goodreads: It is a dark and snowy night when the Magic Tree House whisks Jack and Annie back to colonial times. General George Washington is about to lead his army in a sneak attack against their enemy. But now a terrible weather is making the great general question his plans. Can Jack and Annie keep history on track? The fate of the country rests in their hands!