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Story Time with Sara: Dinosaur Dinosaur by Kevin Lewis
Dinosaur Dinosaur
written by Kevin Lewis
published by Orchard Books, 2006
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads
Did I enjoy this book: Nope. Not even a little. My kid thought it was alright and that’s the only reason it gets two stars (that and the illustrations are fun and colorful). The stupid, made-up, baby-waby rhymy-whymy words make me want to throw-ey wo-ey up. Oi. I’d have chucked this book out a window if not for the library fine I would have received.

Would I recommend it: Nope! Give this one a wide berth folks!
About the book – from Goodreads: From the best-selling team that created CHUGGA-CHUGGA CHOO-CHOO comes a silly, read-aloud picture book based on a classic jump-rope rhyme.
Dinosaur, dinosaur,
run outside and play.
Busy-whizzy dinosaur,
all the livelong day!
Stomping, jumping, bouncing, and pouncing . . . when you’re a little dinosaur, there’s so much to do before the sun goes down and it is time for bed.