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Gina’s Review: The Sacred Flame by Nanette Littlestone

The Sacred Flame

The Sacred Flame 
written by Nanette Littlestone
published by Words of Passion, 2015

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
The synopsis of the book got me excited. The book, however, left me feeling just eh. The story is interesting, but there wasn’t any punch. The characters weren’t even people I wanted to have a glass of wine with, and that’s saying something when the book is set in Rome.



Would I recommend it: Not really.


About the book – from Goodreads: It is the year 216 BC. Livia is a Vestal Virgin, a priestess of the goddess Vesta sworn to keep Rome safe through the obligations of duty, dedication, and chastity. In just a few months she will end her vows and marry her childhood companion. But the High Priestess’s collapse extends Livia’s duties and thrusts her into the unwanted role of leadership. As summer heat and the threat of Hannibal descend on Rome, Livia dares to fall for Gaius, a married man and equestrian commander, who has loved her secretly for many years. When his wife Justina refuses to surrender the security of her privileged life, Gaius and Livia are caught in a sticky web of deceit and forbidden love that threatens both their worlds.



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