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Story Time with Sara: Little Green Dragon by Erin Kurt and Laara Exsnar
Little Green Dragon
written by Erin Kurt and Laara Exsnar
published by Create Space, 2015
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: OK, so if you read my review of the first book in this series, The Yummy Adventures of Celia and Cedric: Amazing Apples, you realize that I really didn’t think very highly of the book. I did however, say that I would give the series another chance . . . and I did.
The children, Celia and Cedric, are MUCH more relatable in Little Green Dragon than they are in Amazing Apples. One of my biggest problems with the first book is the unrealistic dialog for the children. The children’s dialogue and activities are much more age appropriate in this book. The file I received to review wouldn’t open in the Kindle App for Ipad, but once I transferred it to an actual Kindle device I was able to see the illustrations (albeit in black and white) and the recipe at the end of the story. Both elements truly complement the story. We actually make green smoothies in my house, but we may be calling them dragon juice from now on . . . IT’S just more fun! 
I enjoy that the children are pretending the little dragon is chasing them, and my son enjoyed that part too. My criticism comes only from the fact that at the end of the story the kids pretend they are drinking the green dragon in their smoothie drinks. My son asked me why the children would want to drink the dragon. I replied that he was chasing them so they wanted to make him go away. My child said, “But Mom, he was only playing, it was not nice of them to eat him . . .” My husband is vegetarian, so our family discusses how some people eat animals and some don’t, so perhaps that’s why my son brought this up . . . but I can’t help but think he has a point. Instead of having the children drink the dragon, we imagined that the green drink was a magical potion that would turn them into little green monsters so they could play chase with the dragon.

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this fun little story with a recipe, especially if you are looking for a fun way to introduce more leafy greens into your preschooler’s diet.
About the book – from Goodreads: Celia and Cedric meet a new friend! In this new adventure, they meet the Little Green Dragon, who becomes a fun playmate and an inspiration for a yummy new recipe. Celia and Cedric enjoy the Little Green Dragon’s smoothie and you can, too! This is the third book of “The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric” series. Other books in the series are: “The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Amazing Apples!” “The Yummy Adventures of Celia & Cedric: Eat Dirt Balls!”