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Melissa’s Review: Monsters All the Way Down by Ryan McSwain

Monsters All the Way Down

Monsters All the Way Down 
written by Ryan McSwain
published by Pithos Publishing, 2014

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, AmazonBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 

Monsters All the Way Down is a well-written, creepy inkblot of a book, and I loved it . . . I want Roman Polanski to scoop it up and have it ready for theaters by next Halloween. I’ll admit I was nervous during the first few bloodbaths (though I love the Sookie Stackhouse novels, I abandoned the HBO series due to gratuitous blood and ick), but guys. It works. The characters are multidimensional, the plot is solid, and it’s just realistic enough to make you squirm. McSwain’s written a dark, disturbing story and it’s awesome. I can’t wait for the next installment!


Would I recommend it: If you enjoy creepy thrillers and aren’t afraid of gore, this is the book for you.


About the book – from Goodreads: 
After a routine DNA background check, Brennan Wade is on the run for murders he does not remember committing. Pursued by a shadow agency, he fights to clear his name and catch the true killer. Brennan forges an uneasy alliance with Joan Runciter, the only woman to survive an attack, and together they delve into a world of secret history and ancient horror. As the body count rises and his true nature is revealed, Brennan must decide if the world’s salvation is worth his own corruption.

Monsters All the Way Down contains an intriguing blend of Philip K. Dick’s mind-bending paranoia and H. P. Lovecraft’s cosmic horror. Ryan McSwain uses complex characters and familiar ideas to craft a story full of twists to keep you guessing right up to the end and beyond.



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