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Melissa’s Review: Extraterrestrial First Contact by Stan Schatt
Extraterrestrial First Contact
written by Stan Schatt
published by CreateSpace, 2015
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: I did. It’s a quick read (only took me about an hour), and it’s a bit more reality based than most alien shows you’ll find on television. If you know who Georgio Tsoukalos is you’ll enjoy this book. If not, well, Schatt has helpfully included a list of books, articles, and websites (along with his opinion of each) to get you started. It’s clear Schatt’s put some serious thought, time, and effort into this little book, and it’s refreshing to read a book about aliens that doesn’t sound, well, crazy.
“Just because intelligent entities can work cooperatively together to build a spacecraft does not mean they live in a democracy that wants to bring wisdom and light to other races.”
Would I recommend it: I already have—to both my dad and my husband. =)
About the book – from Goodreads: The latest research on past and current day contacts with extraterrestrials as well as discussion on what impact with an alien race would have on everything from our religious and political institutions to our education, science, and arts. Schatt explains current SETI strategy as well as the real danger SETI is ignoring that could bring about the end of humanity, according to warnings by Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk. This book examines the various forms aliens could take as well as how differences in their physiology, culture, language, psychology, ethics, and morality could change our world. Schatt draws on the latest works by Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researchers as well as leading exobiologists and archeologists to explain the difficulties in crafting messages as well as understanding any messages received. The book includes an annotated review of the best materials on the subject.