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June 2015 Subscription Boxes

Hi, Everyone!

I’m going to try to make this a regular monthly feature, and here is the first one! I have to admit that I have become slightly addicted to subscription boxes. (I totally blame Melissa for this . . . she got me started on BirchBox. Although, you could probably argue that it started with my Jamberry StyleBox subscription. But I think I’ll keep the blame on Melissa; it’s more fun that way!! Love you, Melissa!!)

Anyway . . . as I was saying . . . I am in love with subscription boxes. I love trying new products. After getting hooked on my Jamberry Stylebox, BirchBox, and Ipsy, I discovered book subscription boxes. The book boxes are surprises as well, just like the others. How cool is that? You never know what books you will receive. You can subscribe monthly, and some you can just do one box. I’ve tried these ones so far: Muse Monthly, Lit-Cube, and The Bookworm Box. Here is what I received in June from these boxes:

Muse Monthly

Muse Monthly June 2015
In this Muse Monthly box, I received Our Endless Numbered Days by Clair Fuller, a bookmark, a tea infuser, and a tin of Mt. Hood Vanilla tea. The tea is very good.



June 2015 lit cube
My Lit-Cube included Chasing the Star Garden by Melanie Karsak, a blank journal, a few bookmarks, a tin of tints, and a few free downloads.


The Bookworm Box

The Bookworm Box is pretty awesome. First, all of the profit goes to charity. That's reason enough for me. Second, my box contained two autographed books (A Stone in the Sea by A.L. Jackson and Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras) and some awesome swag.
The Bookworm Box is pretty awesome. First, all of the profit goes to charity. That’s reason enough for me. Second, my box contained two autographed books (A Stone in the Sea by A.L. Jackson and Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras) and some awesome swag.


Jamberry StyleBox

June 2015
This is the June 2015 StyleBox. I received two sheets of nail wraps, a sheet of temporary metallic tattoos, a nail file, nail scissors, and an orange stick.

And check out this great subscription box that I got for my kids! KiwiCrate:

june 2015 kiwi crate
This is the Science of Color crate. There are a few experiments to do with the kids, a book, all the supplies needed for the experiments.


All of these subscription boxes are pretty cool. I don’t know which ones I will keep in the long run, but I will share what I get each month with all of you. I will try to remember to take pictures of my BirchBox and Ipsy Glam Bag for you as well. (I’ll get Melissa to take pictures of hers as well! We often get different things.)

Do you subscribe to any boxes? If so, which ones? I did include my referral links, so if you’re interested, please feel free to use them! I know I would appreciate it.





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  • by Erin @ Paperbackstash
    Posted July 5, 2015 3:48 am 0Likes

    I’m curious about them myself but am cheap…err, thrifty, so I’m not sure.

  • by thebookdisciple
    Posted July 5, 2015 1:07 pm 0Likes

    Signed books have become my new obsession so I am totally loving The Bookworm box! I have had Lit Cube for 2 months now and am still on the fence. So far, they aren’t really books am I that interested in but I don’t want to give up on it yet!

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted July 5, 2015 1:22 pm 0Likes

      It is really cool that Bookworm is signed. I’ve only received one Lit-Cube so far. I like the “theme” aspect. Want to see what else they come up with. Thanks for visiting!!

  • by Michelle @ In Libris Veritas
    Posted July 7, 2015 1:48 pm 0Likes

    I love subscription boxes! I’ve really wanted to try the Bookworm box, but I can’t really afford to add another box to my list. 😛

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