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Blog Tour: The Healthy Family Slow Cooker Cookbook (Chrissy’s review)


The Healthy Family Slow Cooker CookbookThe Healthy Family Slow Cooker Cookbook
written by Christina Dymock
published by Cedar Fort, 2015

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
I did. I’ve been looking for healthier, easier recipes to make for my family, and this cookbook is a great addition to my cookbook collection. I don’t use my slow cooker nearly enough, but this book sure changed that! I tried four recipes from this cookbook.

The first one was Tangy Pulled Pork. Healthy Crockpot


The pork came out juicy and tasty. It is a subtle flavor, but good. My house smelled fantastic while the pork was cooking. I used a pork loin instead of a pork roast. (I had the loin on hand.) Once it was ready to be shredded, I strained the juice and put the juice and shredded pork back in the crock pot on warm until we were ready to eat.

I tried two desserts: the Blueberry Pudding Cake and the Cookie Bars. My kids loved the Blueberry Pudding Cake. My husband and I loved the Cookie  Bars. I wasn’t a fan of the cake, but the rest of the family liked it. And I also tried the Steak Restaurant Mushrooms. These were so good. I loved them. My husband loved them. My kids don’t eat mushrooms. This is a definite make it again. I can’t wait to try the Chicken and Artichoke Fettucini. That’s next!

The recipes are all easy to make, and I had most of the ingredients on hand. That was nice. I also liked that the desserts called for sugar substitutes. (I’m learning to cook with those as opposed to regular sugar.) My only complaint is that there is no nutritional information included for the recipes. For me, that was a downer because I had to plug the recipes into a nutrition calculator to determine the carbs, proteins, and fats. Other than that, I have a feeling this cookbook will be used a lot.


Would I recommend it: Yes, I would. There are some great recipes in this book.

About the book – from Goodreads: 
Feed your family the foods they love—with a healthy twist.

Everyone knows slow cookers are a busy mom’s best friend, but it can be a struggle to find healthy Crock Pot recipes your kids will actually eat. Not anymore.

These delicious family-sized meals are perfect for parents and kids alike.

  • Chicken and Artichoke Fettucini
  • Teriyaki Pulled Pork
  • Cajun Rice with Shrimp
  • Butternut Squash Soup
  • Chicken Quesadillas

You’ll even find some tasty ideas for sugar-free desserts, like the Blueberry Pudding Cake. And every single recipe can be made in the morning and ready to eat by dinnertime. With a little prep and planning, you’ll soon be enjoying nutritious, healthy, home-cooked meals every night of the week!



About the author: Christina Dymock is a graduate of the University of Utah. She has had careers as an editor at an advertising agency, an adjunct instructor at Salt Lake Community College, and author.

An avid cook, Christina divides her time between the kitchen, her computer, and books and her family of six. (Naturally, the family gets the biggest share.) Because she reads everything, she also feels compelled to write in several genres. Her latest book, Blue Christmas, reached the Amazon top seller list in 7 categories as part of the Christmas anthology, Christmas in Snow Valley.

Christina attends multiple writer’s conferences each year, is a part of several critique groups, and enjoys learning about writing. She has been featured during the cooking segment of several local morning shows, published in Woman’s World Magazine and the Deseret News, quoted in Womans’ World Magazine and Parents’ Magazine, published in seven Chicken Soup books, and has published clean romantic fiction under the name Lucy McConnell.



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  • by sherri ashburner
    Posted June 16, 2015 4:00 pm 0Likes

    Interested to know what the chicken quesadillas would be like in a slow cooker–when we make them we put them in the oven. Somehow they won’t be soggy? I will check for sure…great review, thanks for posting!

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted June 16, 2015 10:49 pm 0Likes

      Me, too! It looks like you are supposed to layer everything, kind of like lasagna or something. I’m not sure how it wouldn’t get soggy. I may have to try it. =)

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