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Story Time with Sara: Duck in the Truck by Jez Alborough


Duck in the  TruckDuck in the Truck
written by Jez Alborough
published by Harper Collins, 2000

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads

Did I enjoy this book:
 Uhm, all the yes! Duck in the Truck was one of the first books that we took out from the library when we started going when my son was just under 2 years old, and he loved it then and still enjoys it now over a year later! In fact, we have checked this book out so many times that he “helps” me read it because he has the whole thing memorized!

The story and the rhymes are fun and silly and my child loves to pretend to be “stuck in the muck” just like duck’s truck! The illustrations are entertaining and colorful and help us follow along as the animals work on solving the duck’s stuck in the yucky muck truck problem. I enjoy reading this fun little story too.

Would I recommend it: Yes, I would! This is a quick little story that my son asks me to read again and again, and I don’t even mind. It is fun and silly, and we both usually erupt into giggles before the end! Pick it up and enjoy your own little one’s giggles!


About the book – from Goodreads: Duck’s truck is stuck in the muck.Who will help him out?

First, frog lends a hand. Then sheep helps push, too. But duck’s truck won’t come unstuck! Can anyone help him get out of the muck? Or is duck out of luck?

Find out in this rollicking read-aloud by the inimitable Jez Alborough.



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