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Story Time with Sara: I Want a Dog and I Want a Cat by Darcy Pattison





I Want a Dog and I Want a Cat
written by Darcy Pattison
published by Mims House, 2014

find I Want a Dog here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon

find I Want a Cat here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copies of these books in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
Both my son and I enjoyed these books. When we finished the first one and I asked him if he liked it, his response was, “AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!!!” Both I Want a Dog and I Want a Cat are great books for a couple of reasons:


Would I recommend it: If your family is trying to decide what breed of cat or dog to bring home, these books are a great fit! While I said they aren’t my favorite, I can’t for the life of me pin down the reason, and my kid thought they were awesome, so . . . I guess I will say YES!


About I Want a Dog – from Amazon: Hurrah for Essays! All writing lessons should be this much fun. When cousins Dennis and Mellie decide to get a dog, they consider carefully what breed would be best for each family. For example, Dennis wants a big dog, but Mellie wants tiny. He has no other pets, but she has other pets that a dog must get along with. They consider different dog personalities, family situations, and personal preferences. Dennis writes an opinion essay for his teacher, Mrs. Shirky. But will his essay convince his parents to get the dog of his dreams?

This story takes a popular subject–kids getting a pet–and adds dogs of all sizes and shapes: all writing lessons should be this much fun. In the end, it’s cousins and the dogs that keep a reader turning the page. What kind of dog will Dennis choose? Will Mellie want the same kind of dog?
This story hits many notes:

  • A family story about cousins, Dennis and Mellie
  • Information on dog breeds
  • Responsible dog ownership
  • Mentor-text for teaching writing
  • Model opinion essay for elementary students
  • Models the writing process, especially the importance of pre-writing or planning before you write
  • Completes the writing process by showing the results of Dennis’s essay

I WANT A DOG almost makes opinion essays look too easy.

About I Want a Cat – from Amazon: When cousins Mellie and Dennis decide to get a cat, they consider carefully what breed would be best for each family. For example, Mellie wants a cat that pounces, but Dennis wants a lazy cat, like his lazy dog, Clark Kent. Mellie wants a lap cat, but Dennis just wants a warm body BESIDE him. They consider different cat personalities, family situations, and personal preferences.

Mellie writes an opinion essay for her teacher, Mr. Eagle. But will her essay convince her parents to get the cat of her dreams?

This story takes a popular subject—kids getting a pet—and adds cats of all sizes and shapes: all writing lessons should be this much fun. In the end, it’s the cousins and the cats that keep a reader turning the page. What kind of cat will Mellie choose? Will Dennis want the same kind of cat?



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