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Melissa’s Review: Brain by Dermot Davis

Brain: The Man Who Wrote the Book That Changed the World

BRAIN: The Man Who Wrote the Book that Changed the World
written by Dermot Davis
published by Expression Unleashed Publishing

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, AmazonBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
You know what? It’s funny. I’m not saying I guffawed or anything, but it’s just the sort of snarky satire I love. I mean, sure, there were more commas than are strictly necessary, and sure there were several pages I skimmed, but it’s an irreverent little book and I liked it.



“If they don’t spend ten bucks buying your book, then they’re gonna buy a book about vampires fighting wolf men with the help of goblins and elves or some sh*t. You’re just as entitled to that ten bucks as any other author out there.”


Would I recommend it: Go for it (especially if you aspire to write novels)!


About the book – from Goodreads: 
It’s the classic dilemma of the writer: Do you write what’s in your heart or do you write what sells? In this modern age of publishing there is a huge chasm between the best selling authors that are rich beyond their dreams and… well, everybody else. All Daniel Waterstone ever wanted to do was write the great American novel and change the landscape of modern literature forever. He has two literary books in print but no one’s buying. His agent won’t even accept his latest masterpiece which he poured his soul into: apparently, it’s not commercial enough. In a final act of desperation, Daniel decides to write – not what’s in his heart but – what he thinks will sell. Boy, did he get that one wrong…

worst of all, most likely lose the woman of his dreams.



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