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Melissa’s Review: A Gazillion Little Bits by Claudia Brevis
A Gazillion Little Bits
written by Claudia Brevis
published by Claudia Brevis
find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: I was impressed. Ms. Brevis’s research alone knocks this book well outside the first novel fence, and though I think she spent a bit too much time language-decorating early on, her story was well organized and enjoyable. I was especially pleased with what is increasingly more rare – well-executed dialect. As an EFC reviewer, I rarely have the luxury of reading books slowly, but for A Gazillion Little Bits I found the time. I haven’t read anything quite like it.
“She woke, confused, and stared blankly out at the dark gray waters, and when she remembered, her head split and her heart broke and her arms flew out to clutch at hunks of fallen cement on the forty-seventh floor of the tower that was her home.”
“It was a cemetery. The whole of Riverside park a cemetery.”
Would I recommend it: Yes. Even if you’re not a huge fan of post-apocalyptic novels, you’ll enjoy discovering just how many (dare I say ‘a gazillion’?) little thoughts Ms. Brevis spent dreaming up her novel.
About the book – from Goodreads: New York City. 2256.
Isolated by shifting lands, fire and beasts, fewer than thirteen thousand people live in the ruins and rubble of Manhattan without technology, government or any connection to the world from which they’ve descended…
Until the mysterious whispers arrive, followed by a stranger who holds what may be the key to the city’s ultimate survival.