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Melissa’s Review: Lies by Bridget Harwell & Elizabeth Scott

liesLies: The Truth about Self-Deception that Limits Your Life
written by Bridget Harwell, PhD & Elizabeth Scott, PhD
published by iUniverse

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
There are now several new entries in my journal and a good number of useful insights post-it noted to my fridge.

I didn’t find every article relevant to my own life, but I tucked some tips into my knowledge banks for the future. Well done, ladies; you’ve saved me a therapy session.



Would I recommend it: Sure!


About the book – from Goodreads: 
We lie to ourselves every day, and these lies can lead to significant unhappiness in our lives. In Lies, authors Bridget Harwell and Elizabeth Scott present a collection of more than forty essays based on their daily interactions with clients who have suffered the pain of digging deeply and unearthing the self-deceptions that have limited their lives.

Harwell and Scott, two successful, practicing psychologists, compiled the essays to examine the various forms of self-deception, many of which are unconscious attempts at self-protection which can go unnoticed and yet lead to stress and unhappiness. Accompanied by whimsical and evocative drawings, Lies examines a variety of themes, such as guilt, worry, indecision, and the power of relationships. Each piece is followed by a conversation between Harwell and Scott that seeks to add clarity to the discussion.

Written in a conversational style that mimics a therapy session, this collection presents strategies for finding the truth beneath the lies we tell ourselves and gives us an opportunity to live a more integrated life, a life of authenticity that’s essential for any kind of true happiness.



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