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DNF: Blood Lilies by T.A. Miles (Melissa’s review)

Blood LiliesBlood Lilies
written by T.A. Miles
published by Raventide Books

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Where I stopped reading: Location 311 of 1229 on my Android Moon Reader app (24.1% of the way through the book).

Why I stopped reading: I actually really liked the story, but the writing was so full of errors, typos, and generally awkward word structure that I found myself re-reading things two and three times just to figure out what the author was trying to say.

What others have rated this book: According to Goodreads, the average rating for Blood Lilies is 4.07 stars.  It looks like a majority of readers gave this book 5 stars. There were 3 5-star reviews on Amazon.  At Barnes & Noble there were no reviews listed.  Just because I didn’t finish this book doesn’t mean you won’t.

About the book – from Goodreads: For Korsten Brierly, life already seemed complicated enough. Disinherited from a young age, helping to govern a town of strategic significance to warring countries, keeping his affair with the local governor’s son a secret….

When a demon hunting mage arrives at his doorstep at the same time gruesome murders begin, Korsten finds himself quickly swept away by a tide of events and discoveries beyond his darkest dreams. Caught up in a war much deeper and far more dangerous than he ever would have believed it to be, Korsten is forced to abandon the life he knew and everyone in it. Summoned to a duty that terrifies him, by powers he can’t ignore, he begins a journey into understanding his own soul and how to protect the souls of others from demons bent on possessing, poisoning, and devouring them through methods that are gradually decaying the world they live in. Struggling to stay afloat in a maelstrom of ancient forces, his own emotions, and dangerous political games, Korsten commits himself to the task, for the sake of his soul and his sanity, and for the sake of the lover he was not supposed to have…a man possessed by ambition and by a demon with goals of its own.

Blood Lilies is the first in a series.




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