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Thoughtful Thursday – End of Series – July 31, 2014
Reading Is Fun Again created Thoughtful Thursday. Each week, she posts a new bookish thought that she discusses.
Everyone is welcome to join.
July 31: Have you avoided reading a final book in a series or chapter or “forgot” what happened in a final book or chapter because the ending displeased you?
I’ve given up on series that turned in directions I wasn’t happy with, but I don’t think my type-A personality could handle putting a book down with only one chapter left. If I’m going to stop reading something it’s likely I’ll make that decision far closer to the front of the book than the end of it. I DO, however, have an awful memory, so I forget the endings of books all the time. It’s one of the things that makes re-reading fun!
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by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I’ve given up on a series before finishing it, but never at the end of the last book. And, like Melissa (who used to make fun of me for this very thing), I cannot remember book details all that often, which is why I can reread a lot of my favorites. ~ Chrissy