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Spotlight: Nip It: Stop Negativity Moment by Moment by Kristen Fredricks and Jeanie Wade (excerpt, interview, giveaway)
Nip It: Stop Negativity Moment by Moment
written by Kristen Fredricks and Jeanie Wade
published by Krispective Inc.
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads
About the book: “Every person’s life has room for more positivity, and positivity is always your choice. The personal stories and real-life situations in Nip It challenge you to see your life as a series of individual moments over which you have control. Then you can choose to “nip” the negative moments and turn them into something more positive. The authors provide hints and tips to help you recognize the negative situations you encounter, find ways to change their impact, and help you shift the outcomes from negative to positive.
By the end of the book, you will have a toolset that will allow you to act rather than react when faced with a negative moment. When you apply the techniques that are outlined, you can begin to experience more positive life moments. And with practice, you’ll find that your positive moments turn into positive hours, then positive days, weeks, and months, which can lead to an overall life of greater positivity.”
From Chapter 1: Introduce It
You are about to begin a journey of learning how to “nip it” and “flip it.” What is the “it” we are talking about? “It” is simply a negative moment, person, or situation that you are faced with at any point in your life. And just what do we mean by “nip it” and “flip it”? To “nip it” is to stop the negativity from growing. And to “flip it” means turning the negative situation around into something more positive. For example, how do you feel when…
the dog eats your shoe?
the kids dump cereal on the kitchen floor?
you get a flat tire driving to work?
you drop a glass jar of pickles at the grocery store?
someone in the parking lot takes your parking spot?
a team member at work doesn’t pull their weight?
someone cuts in front of you in the line at the deli?
a fellow worker criticizes you?
Do you get a twinge in your stomach? Do you curse? Do you yell? Does your head hurt? Do you cry? Reactions like these most likely indicate you are dealing with something negative.
And how about when you interact with people? Do you find that some leave you energized and others sap your energy? Do you understand why different people affect you differently? Have you ever found yourself dreading going somewhere but you weren’t quite sure what caused that feeling? This learning adventure will show you how to shift those negative moments in your life so that they will appear to be more positive.
We’re going to help you explore all of those questions and provide you with the tools to transform your everyday negative moments. The techniques are simple to apply, and with some practice, will become habit. If you choose to implement some of our suggestions, you’ll be able to change your overall attitude about life, which can help you feel more at peace on a daily basis.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. Our personal stories and the techniques offered in the book will provide you many ways to help your moments, hours, days and overall life be more positive.
Why did you did you decide to write Nip It: Stop Negativity Moment by Moment? Kris has always been known as an extremely positive person, and she wanted to spread that positivity. What better way than to write a book about it!
Kris started to write the book and then asked Jeanie to collaborate on it. It evolved many times over two years. There were lots of ups and downs throughout the process as we had to learn a lot about a whole new industry for us. Through it all, we remained focused on one thing: “As long as we can help at least one person, then all the effort will be worth it.”
What is one piece of advice from your book that you would want to share with our readers?
- Jeanie- You have to practice positivity everyday!
- Kris- Take a deep breath and pause before you react in any negative moment.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? Yes. We have three more books planned. We are actively working on Flip It. In this book, we have captured over a hundred examples of people helping other people to flip their moments from being negative to being positive.
We also have Bigger Than a Moment outlined. That book will focus on staying positive through life events that are “bigger than a moment.” Challenges like cancer, losing a child, and having a crippling disease will be explored. We have interviews lined up with ordinary people who have extraordinary positive attitudes.
Finally, we plan to write a leadership book focusing on what it takes to lead “it,” negativity in the workplace.
These three books should keep us busy for the next few years!
Why do you enjoy reading and writing?
- Jeanie- I like reading to learn things. I like writing because there is a possibility I might be able to help someone else.
- Kris- Reading is an escape for me because I love getting lost in a good book. Writing has given me an outlet for my creative side and given me a new sense of purpose.
What is your favorite genre to read?
- Jeanie- Business and Historical fiction.
- Kris- Mysteries
Who is your favorite author?
- Jeanie- Stephen King
- Kris- John Lescroart
In your opinion, what is one book that everyone should read?
- Jeanie- De la démocratie en Amérique (Democracy in America) by Alexis de Tocqueville
- Kris- You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
What did you want to be when you grew up?
- Jeanie- A veterinarian
- Kris- A lawyer
Tell us three things about yourself that cannot be found on the internet . . . at least not found easily.
- I played little league baseball and there was only 1 other girl in the league.
- I was a drum major in the marching band.
- I am a tea connoisseur.
- For two summers during college, I delivered mail for the United States Post Office.
- I have seen a large sturgeon up close while SCUBA diving in the Niagara River.
- I am a Reiki Master.
About the authors — Kris Fredricks and Jeanie Wade
Kris Fredricks has more than twenty years experience guiding groups to enhanced teamwork and more effective performance. She uses her naturally optimistic attitude to help others create a positive vision for how they will work together more effectively. Her natural enthusiasm is contagious. Jeanie Wade has spent more than thirty years leading teams and understands how one negative team member can impact an entire team. She, like many people, is not a naturally positive person, so she enjoys sharing her insights on how practicing positivity every day can change your life.
Jeanie Wade has spent more than thirty years leading teams and understands how one negative team member can impact an entire team. She, like many people, is not a naturally positive person, so she enjoys sharing her insights on how practicing positivity every day can change your life.
Find the authors here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads – Kris, Goodreads – Jeanie, Tumblr