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Review: The Hero of Blind Pig Island and Other Island Stories by Jimmy Olsen (Belinda’s review)

The Hero of Blind Pig Island and Other Island StoriesThe Hero of Blind Pig Island
written by Jimmy Olsen
published by Hoffman House Press

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooksBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
This review is really a mixed bag. It’s hard to review a short story anthology when you loved some stories and hated others.

First, the positive: Mr. Olsen autographed the books he sent EFC for review. It buttered me up before I started reading. Nice touch.

I really enjoyed several of the stories. My favorite two were “Denise” and “The Hero of Blind Pig Island.” Both stories had endearing characters and strong emotional messages. Olsen has a down to earth, homey style of writing that makes you feel like you’re sitting around a campfire listening to a beloved Grandfather.

All of the stories were dramatically different, so there was no way to get bored. There was something for everyone, but unfortunately not every story is likely to entertain every reader.

I got off to a rough start with the first story, “Party Girl.”  The local high school administrator threw a party for the new teachers who came fresh out of college to work on the exotic Island.  He was more interested in evaluating their breasts than their performance. One young woman passed out and there were hints of a potential gang rape.  One of the wives, Patricia, stepped in to assure the girl’s safety. “My wife Patricia is one of those women who spends way too much time looking out for other women.” The narrator complained. From there, they moved the unconscious girl several times. It was a weird story and it didn’t sit well with me.

If the second story had been similar to the first, I’d have stopped reading. So for me, it was a three star book – with a half star thrown in for the autograph.



About the book — from Amazon: This collection of island stories carries the reader from daring adventures beneath the Caribbean Sea to tense conflict on a deserted island near the Canadian border. Love stories and private eyes, a boy living on a lonely salt cay and a girl’s dream of freedom at sea, hurricanes and heroes — all told with humor ad the insight that comes from firsthand experience.


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