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Review: St. Bartholomew’s Man by Mary Delorme (Belinda’s review)

st bartholomew's manSt. Bartholomew’s Man
written by Mary Delorme
published by Mary Delorme

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 

It gave me chills, made me laugh, and as much as I hate to admit it – yes, I cried at the end.

I usually try to find a quote to capture some pivotal scene that stood out and inspired an emotional reaction from me. In this book, there were too many wonderful moments to count. In the end, I just had to pick one:

“Rahere turned towards him, eyes still closed. He heard Alfune lie down again. Such care – oh Lord, such care for me, a murderer . . . all he could do was to pray for the soul of a fellow sinner.” I think that was the moment I officially fell in love with these characters.


Would I recommend it: Yes. It’s not an easy read, though. You’ll need a quiet spot and a warm cup of tea. Then kick back and allow yourself to be transported to another time and place.


About the book – from Goodreads: Subtle, moving, beautifully told, and based on all the real facts available, ‘St Bartholomew’s Man’ will take you in accurate period detail, to a time in the 12th century when life was brief and harsh. To the time a humble man, a mere court jester to King Henry 1st, yet a man with great vision was formed, who was to lay the groundwork to one of the worlds greatest institutions, hundreds of years ahead of it’s time.

St Bartholomew’s Hospital



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