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Review: Bloodline: Out of the Shadows by David W. Sheppard and M. Baker (Melissa’s review)

bloodlineBloodline: Out of the Shadows
written by David W. Sheppard, M. Baker
published by David W. Sheppard, M. Baker via Createspace

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: The story was okay, I suppose, but the writing was too choppy to be enjoyable. At times I felt like I was reading a school report. There were no clear line breaks between scene changes (although that could have been an issue with the e-file I was reading), so I was continually unprepared for story transitions. More than that, the authors didn’t give appropriate timeline information. I know exactly how long Hez was at the bar on his 23rd birthday, for example, but I have no idea how long it actually took for his leg to heal. I’m assuming it was at least a few weeks, since during that time he also met, fell in love with, moved in with, went on vacation with, AND considered having children with his girlfriend, but it could just as easily have been a few (really, really long) days. Other than the detail gaps, the writing isn’t bad . . . it’s just not exciting. This book needs a few rounds of passionate editing. everyfree2

melissasig About the book – from Goodreads: On his 23rd birthday, a young man from a wealthy family discovers that he is from an alien bloodline and is their messiah, the key to their sinister plan to destroy the Earth and fulfill their covenant.

Hez Harrington’s family has kept a wicked secret from him all his life. He didn’t know that his parents had promised him to another woman and a being from another planet. His enemies are the richest people in the world and really evil distant family members. It just goes to show, you can’t pick your relatives.

How is he supposed to reconcile his human heart with the face he now sees in the mirror? The lives of the woman he loves and his friends are in jeopardy. He needs help, but all he has is a priest with a screwed-up eye.

He has twenty-three days to appear at their mecca and gift them with the powers he has been given. The result: the purest of evil will emerge and walk the earth, out of the shadows. If he doesn’t surrender to their will, how will he stop them?


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