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Review: Allegiant by Veronica Roth (Melissa’s review)
Allegiant (Divergent #3)
written by Veronica Roth
published by Katherine Tegen Books
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble (Nook) (print), Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Did I enjoy this book: The Internet told me I was going to slowly turn on this series. The Internet told me that by the end of book three I would be not only disappointed but disgusted as well. Some of the Internet even suggested I would be so disheartened I’d stop reading before the last page. The Internet was WRONG.
It took me a while to get used to the dual perspective narration–I found myself flipping back to the beginning of a few chapters to remind myself who was telling the story. But. This was BY FAR the best book in the series. I loved it. I spent the last several chapters sniffling uncontrollably (OK, I was crying, but don’t tell anyone).
I should clarify. I’m not in love with the way the series ended. I’m not thrilled about who lived and who died (but I won’t spoil it for you). I still don’t think there’s any ground-breaking writing going on here, and I’m actually harboring some seriously cranky-pants thoughts about Roth.
But friends, a great book moves you – it triggers emotions, and not always happy frou-frou ones – and that’s exactly what happened.
Would I recommend it: Yes. I’d also suggest, as a general rule, that the Internet is mostly wrong (except this post. This post is absolutely true).
About the book – from Goodreads: The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.
But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.
Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.
by Silvie
Thank you! It’s so nice to find someone who didn’t hate Allegiant and actually enjoyed it.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I’m looking forward to reading it as well. And I was glad that Melissa liked it, especially after reading that so many people hated it. We’ll see how I feel about it.
~ Chrissy
by ferabeth
I’m probably the only person on the whole Internet who liked it, but I’ll defend my decision. It was great.