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Hello Everyone!!!

We just wanted to update you on a few things that are going on here at EFC. As you can see from the header above, we have changed the blog name slightly. We are now Every Free Chance Books. You can grab a new button from the sidebar or here:


And you may have also noticed that EFC Services is now EFC Services, LLC. We are now offering more proofreading, editing, and other services. We have two service pages: one for literary services and one for business services. Here’s the new button:



Even more exciting is our new EFC Short Story Contest!!! We are looking for a great short story, and we are offering some great prizes. Check it out here:



I also wanted to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to Lori at Imagination Designs for the new blog graphics. She’s the best!!

As you all know, EFC is an affiliate with Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iTunes, The Book Depository, Smashwords, and Walmart. Remember, if you use one of the affiliate links EFC gets a very small commission. That money is put right back into the blog for upkeep and giveaways. I also “opened” an Amazon aStore that will showcase our favorite things. The store is a work in progress; I will be adding items as I find them. The store widget can be found on the sidebar and here:

I think that is it for now. We hope all of you are enjoying EFC and come back often. Please don’t be shy—email, comment, visit us on Facebook and Twitter.





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