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Book Club Recap: Healing Stone by Brock Booher


Welcome to a new feature here at EFC. Belinda and I are in a book group/club together; it’s how we met. It’s called Ladies Book Group–creative, I know. She agreed to write a recap of what our group discussed at our monthly get-together.

If you belong to a book group, please tell us about what you’re reading in the comments. If you would like to join this feature, please feel free to do so by posting your own Book Club Recap and linking it in the comments. 

Mark your calendars. We’ve made history. For the first time in our book club’s existence, we had a unanimous agreement. We all loved Healing Stone by Brock Booher. (You can find Belinda’s review of Healing Stone here.)

Book Group night began with usual goodies and gossip. We enjoyed homemade brownies and bawdy humor. But the real treat arrived via Skype. Mr. Booher was kind enough to meet with our group to discuss his book and answer questions.

book group pic with Brock

We started with the easy stuff, “Why did the dog have to die?” From there we drilled Mr. Booher on issues ranging from spirituality to the difficulties of getting published as a new author.

One of our more creative (and gutsy) members began giving him suggestions for a sequel. He graciously wrote it down (or pretended to write it down) and assured us he’d consider it. What a great guy.

After our meeting with the author, we had an opportunity to discuss our own gifts. One member openly considered the possibility of writing a story about aliens with the ability to heal mental illness. We assumed she was joking. If not, our laughter was terribly inappropriate.

In the end, we counted our own blessings. All of the women in our group have a gift. Each brings her unique brand of wit, wisdom, and wackiness. I hope that all our readers are lucky enough to have a book club like ours. And if so, we’d love to hear from you.

We are taking July off, but stay tuned for our August recap. We will be reading A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams.


healing stoneHealing Stone
written by Brock Booher
published by Cedar Fort Publishing & Media

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads

About the book – from Goodreads: Abandoned in a graveyard and a mother who was never found–that’s all Stone Molony knows about his birth. But now he needs to know more. A tragic accident has awakened a powerful gift inside him that changes everything. As the town stirs up around him, Stone journeys through corruption, racism, and violence to uncover the truth about his past.


brock booherAbout the author: Brock Booher grew up on a farm in rural Kentucky, the fourth of ten children, where he learned to work hard, use his imagination, and believe in himself. He left the farm to pursue the friendly skies as a pilot, and currently flies for a major US carrier. A dedicated husband and father of six children, he began writing out of sheer arrogance, but the writing craft quickly humbled him. During that process, he discovered that he enjoyed writing because it is an endeavor that can never quite be mastered. He still gladly struggles everyday to improve his writing and storytelling skills.

Find Mr. Booher here: Facebook, Twitter, web, blogGoodreads


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  • by Brock Booher
    Posted June 5, 2014 11:11 am 0Likes

    It was fun connecting with other people that enjoy reading. For the record, I did write down the suggestion and it probably will end up in the sequel. Thanks!

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