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Review: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green (Belinda’s review)
The Fault In Our Stars
written by John Green
published by Dutton Books/Penguin
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Did I enjoy this book: Yes. Amazon recommended it to me based on my reading choices. It looked interesting so I bought it.
It’s kind of creepy how well Amazon knows my taste in books. The Fault In Our Stars is a beautiful and poignant story of teens battling cancer.
It’s the kind of book where the bad guys win in the struggle between teen vs. cancer. It’s a sad book but one worth reading. Green takes you on the journey with Hazel and Gus. Like all teens they’re trying to see where they belong in this world. Unfortunately, they also know that they won’t belong in this world for very long.
Fortunately for us, they made a strong impression for the short time we spend with them.
There’s a quote at the end of the novel that I love. Fearing he’s losing Hazel to illness, Gus said, “ . . . you don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.” It gives me goose bumps every time I read it. There’s nothing like youth and tragedy to make a novel sparkle. Well done, John Green.
Would I recommend it: Absolutely.
About the book – from Goodreads: Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten.
by Stephanie
Great review, Belinda. I would like to say that it is enough to get me off from procrastinating ass to read it, but if Danielle saw that I said that she would go spastic since she has tried her little heart out to get me to read it. I resisted it because of some comments the author made that were unrelated to his books. I think I may have to be over it now.
by MiscElaineOusMuSings
Wonderful review! I must admit I have been too much of a wuss to read it yet. I’m waiting for a day when I’m good and sad to start it!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!
I was a wuss too. Then I just took the plunge. Let me know what you think of it.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!
I was a wuss too. Then I just took the plunge. Let me know what you think of it.