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Cover Reveal: Mosaic by Leigh Talbert Moore (spotlight)

I am very excited to share the cover for Ms. Moore’s new book, Mosaicbook 4 in the Dragonfly series. I can’t wait to read this and see how this series ends.


Mosaic by Leigh Talbert Moore


Mosaic (Dragonfly #4)

written by Leigh Talbert Moore

published by Leigh Talbert Moore

release date: June 2014



About the book: 

The future never goes as planned.
People are never what they seem.
Time changes everything.

So you want to know what happened to Anna and Julian? Well, listen up, because I’ve got the whole scoop. I’m Jules, btw, and I am an artist, as you already know if you’ve read Watercolor. What you might not know is I inherited my mother’s cute little newsy nose, thank you very much.

It’s high school reunion time, and everyone’s coming back to Fairview—everyone who’s not already there, mind you. What went wrong, who’s fault it was, and why the heck nobody knew about me… it’s all coming out.

Long-distance relationships rarely last, and a lot of water has passed under that bridge. Big Secrets will be exposed, and in the end we’ll know if that old saying is true: Love is stronger than time.

 Mosaic, the exciting conclusion to The Dragonfly series, coming June 2014!

Book #1, Dragonfly, is currently FREE!!! Check it out!


DRAGONFLY.jpegDragonfly (Dragonfly #1)
written by Leigh T. Moore
published by Leigh Talbert Moore

find it here: (affiliate links)  Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads

About the book: 

Three bad things I learned this year:

-People you trust lie, even parents. 

-That hot guy, the one who’s totally into you, he might not be the one. 

-Things are not always how they appear.

Three good things I learned this year:

-Best friends are always there for you, even when they’re far away. 

-That other hot guy, the one who remembers your birthday, he just might be the one. 

-Oh, and things are not always how they appear.

Anna Sanders expected an anonymous (and uneventful) senior year until she crossed paths with rich-and-sexy Jack Kyser and his twin sister Lucy.

Pulling Anna into their extravagant lifestyle on the Gulf Coast, Lucy pushed Anna outside her comfort zone, and Jack showed her feelings she’d never experienced… Until he mysteriously withdrew.

Anna turned to her internship at the city paper and to her old attraction for Julian, a handsome local artist and rising star, for distraction. But both led to her discovery of a decades-old secret closely guarded by the twins’ distant, single father.

A secret that could permanently change all their lives.

About the author: Leigh Talbert Moore wrote her first graphic novel at the age of nine–about a lady scientist burned by acid. Sadly, the text of Fury Woman was lost, and Leigh’s novelist aspirations went on hiatus.

Then, after a decade working in journalism, editing, marketing, and public relations, she began writing books again, and in 2009 completed Dragonfly. Today, Leigh is the author of several popular young adult and new adult novels, all with a strong romantic slant.

She lives with her husband and two young children in the middle of the country, where she conjures new worlds, characters, and situations while playing chauffeur, chaperone, group activity leader, and referee.

And she’s still trying to remember the plot of Fury Woman . . .

Find Ms. Moore here: web, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads
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