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Review: Naomi Grim by Tiffany Nicole Smith

Naomi Grim_Ebook (1)Naomi Grim (The Silver Scythe Chronicles #1)
written by Tiffany Nicole Smith
published by Tiffany Nicole Smith

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: The author asked if I would be interested in reviewing her book. I agreed! (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: 
I’m all worked up about it!  I’m angry.  I’m interested.  I’m excited about a series wherein even at the end of Book One I’m still not sure who the Good Guys are.  I’m solidly on Naomi’s side, but I’m just as conflicted as she is about which side that ought to be.  Smith’s story is interesting and (mostly) unpredictable, and that’s rare.  Even if her writing doesn’t keep you reading, you’ll turn page after page hoping to find out that there are, in fact, Good Guys somewhere.


Would I recommend it: Yeah, dawg.  Go for it.  It’ll be especially satisfying if you tend to see the world in smudgy gray tones.

Will I read it again: Where is book two?  Where is Book Two?  WHERE IS BOOK TWO?!?!?

About the book: 
The assignment:

Collect lifestones from humans after they die.
Rebellious, sixteen-year-old Naomi craves a normal life, but unfortunately, she’s a Grim by birth. That’s right, she sees dead people and hoards their living essence in a stone. Not a fun occupation.
In order to be good at her job, she must live among human teenagers for weeks at a time. But Naomi soon becomes attached to the kids she’s been assigned to watch over. And knowing that these teens are gonna die under less than ideal circumstances, she has the opportunity to prevent their deaths from occurring. Only one big problem—interfering with death is the worst crime a Grim can commit. If she intervenes, she’ll put herself and her family in danger.
Naomi must make the hardest choice of her career, go against the sacred covenant or watch her new friends walk blindly to their deaths.



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  • by Wesley at Library Educated
    Posted March 26, 2014 9:50 am 0Likes

    Super creepy cover, love it!

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